Tuesday, April 9, 2013

My New Views on Technology in the Classroom

My technology application class has shown me new tools and how to use those tools. Before this class I had no clue what Prezi was. I didn’t know what a "
Prezi screen. Photo courtesy of Clutchchange.com
Popplet" was. The one item that has jumped out to me the most is “Prezi”. Prezi is nothing more than a glorified version of power point.  Prezi has all the bells and whistles that power point lacks. The Army introduced me to the term, “death by power point”; a notion, which will not be lost when I do become a teacher or, even a professor to young minds.  Prezi is easier to look at and pay attention to.

My greatest challenge in the classroom dealing with technology will be my willingness or lack of willingness to use new technology. For example, E-Text books are not my favorite piece of technology, because I believe in the student reading real books.  A real book can never lose power, crack, or be broken. This may be my over confidence in my own teaching skills. It probably is.

I do plan on staying up to date on new technology in my classroom, to the best of my ability. Seminars, books, and, papers are always coming out about this subject. Maybe I will attend one seminar a year. Something I believe teachers should do anyway, due to the ever-changing technology out there for the classroom. Of course, it will be at my discretion as to what technology I use in my classroom and what discard. 

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