Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Photo courtesy of amycates.wordpress

Technology in a classroom setting can be traced all the way back to the invention of the writing utensil.  To put it simply, technology can make the learning experience easier for everyone.  From the invention of the pencil, to the avocation of the chalk board and, the projector, all of these make teaching and learning an easier task.

I am old enough to remember chalk boards in classrooms. We used to fight over who cleaned the erasers out.  The next step in classroom technology I witnessed was the dry erase board; this board was a little less messy. Now, the teacher use smart boards and power point presentations to interact with students.  Soon students will not need books or even paper. Computers are probably the most widespread technology used in today’s classroom and, that fact is rapidly changing. 
Picture courtesy of OregonState.edu

On the flipside, we cannot get lost in the use of technology as a way to dumb down students. Teacher CAN NOT only rely on the technology to teach students. Teachers will always have to teach. Technology is a great tool for students, teachers and, even parents.  I fear that if technology is taken too far in the classroom, school districts will try and phase teachers out and, replace them with a computer.  This scenario cannot happen,  no technology could replace a teacher. 

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