Monday, April 15, 2013

The Universe is not infinite

Weather the universe is finite or not, is a question that made has asked since ancient times and, probably before. Many people do believe now, the universe most definitely has an end or, what we think is an end. New ideas that back this theory are the Dark Flow theory, the soccer ball theory and, the Balloon theory. Many times, things can be explained away as “just a theory”. But once in a while, a theory is presented that cannot be ignored.

The simplest proof the universe has an end is the Balloon Theory. This theory states that if the Big Bang really happened as science believes, the universe is like a balloon. Last time I checked a balloon has a definitive mass. If the universe is expanding, then it must have an end. The question arises, will the universe simply “pop” one day? Maybe it will and maybe it will not. According to the Big Bang theory, the universe spread itself out at a rapid pace in the beginning. As the universe expands however, the expansion will slow down due to the amount of energy exhausted from thirteen million years ago until now.

The universe is finite and bears a rough resemblance to a soccer ball or, more accurately, a dodecahedron, a twelve sided volume bounded by pentagons. Based on analysis of maps of the Big Bang, that space is kind of like a twelve sided hall of mirrors, in which the illusion of infinity is created by looking out and seeing multiple copies of the same stars. The theory also states if you were to reach the end of the universe, you would simply come out on the other side of the universe, without knowing that you ever reached the end.

The Dark Flow theory provides the most tantalizing idea. It states : the motion of the galaxy clusters. With respect to the cosmic microwave background should be randomly distributed in all directions. However, analyzing the three year Wilkenson Microwave Anisotropy Probe(WMAP) data using the kinematic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect, astronomers Alexander Kashlinky, Atrio-Barandela, D. Kocevski and, H. Ebeling found evidence of a surprisingly coherent 600-1000 km/s flow of clusters toward a twenty degree patch of sky between the constellations of Centaurus and Vela. In this twenty degree patch of sky as it pertains to the Cosmic Microwave Background is colder than the rest. This flow of clusters consist of star, planets and, nebulae. Something is pulling them toward this twenty degree patch of sky. Many believe that our universe is close enough to a larger universe and, the gravity of the sister universe is pulling on ours.

These are all theories to contemplate. Inevitably these theories cause people to think outside the box and, their comfort zones. Dark Flow, Soccer Ball and, the Balloon theory are at least interesting enough to cause someone to research them on their own.

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